Whether you are seeking to develop or transform your career, your creative practice, or your overall lifestyle, through the Archival Alchemy Laboratory℠ you could move closer towards the life that you were called to live.
The Arch Alch Lab℠ offers 3 Tools (products):
- Archival Mapmaking Course™ to prepare you for a self-transformative journey
- Archival Altar Boxes™ to make room for processing very important experiences in your life
- Archival Adornment Bags™ to keep things on your person while outchea navigating this wild world
Greetings! i am Joyce LeeAnn speaking directly to YOU. Do you get IT? If not, don’t even trip, cuz my Ancestors are still guiding me to understand it myself. They have revealed this language to me (archival mapmaking in 2021, and the archival altar boxes and archival adornment bags in 2024) along my journey to reaffirm who I have always been since childhood. What I know fo sho/for realz is that these 3 tools have facilitated the strategic planning that’s guided me as I’ve defied all of the statistics that were predetermined for my existence as the daughter of a Black teenage mother living in a trying and confining environment. These tools helped me transform every aspect of my life such as overcoming the grief of losing loved ones, establishing boundaries with family, and navigating bureaucracy at work. i am living an enriched and charmed life on my own terms. Now, WE want to facilitate YOUR utilization of these 3 tools for your own self-transformation through remembrance!
The way ahead is not necessarily uncharted; it’s paved from our past experiences, feelings, desires, and from the problems we have already solved. The remembering helps you sift through the trauma, self-doubt, and overthinking. You remember to return to your self, to recall who you truly are, and to redefine your way forward. Not reforming the symptoms, fully releasing who/what no longer serves you in order to transmute the root of your problems. Remembering helps you to recalibrate when necessary, and to access renewed routes. Your life is iterative; you’ve already been in motion, just keep going!
Using these 3 Tools will take YOU from Point A to Point B.
- Discouraging yourself from achieving future goals because you’re overwhelmed by the road ahead
- Starting over again and again instead of repurposing your personal archive
- Encouraging yourself to make moves by remembering every mile you’ve already traveled
- A preserved record of your life that you can access for ongoing inspiration to fuel you forward
Here’s what WE are specifically offering YOU…
Our lives are already overstimulated in a world filled with overconsumption of info and products that removes us further away from ourselves. These 3 Tools are rooted in sustainability and preservation; the Arch Alch Lab℠ is a process and practice that must be applied and embodied, explored and experienced. Rest and relax into what you already know and done did; check yo receipts, cuz you’ve been ON!
- WE are currently offering mutual aid customized prototypes of the archival altar boxes and archival adornment bags that’s pay-what-you-can / literally starting as low as $free.99 + shipping! Please email me, Joyce LeeAnn, to further discuss and place your order (link is in the menu bar).
- Groundwork: archival mapmaking for self-transformation™ is still becoming an on-demand and completely self-guided course. From September 2022 through September 2023, WE built the curriculum for this course in real time within an intimate virtual community of fellow Black women who have served as invaluable founding members! We’re currently seeking more participants on a rolling basis for betaExploration_v2! Please email me to further discuss your interest, and we could work out a price for your virtual participation that is mutually beneficial.
With all of that said, Archival Alchemy® is a FREQUENCY that WE may not be able to articulate to YOU, however we aim to definitely give ya sumthin you can FEEL! So please email me any questions or request additional information!